Outstanding News 2024-06-05 World Environment Day and the importance of fertilizers

Today, June 5, is World Environment Day, with the motto “Our lands. Our future.”

The United Nations designated June 5 as World Environment Day, with the aim of highlighting the importance of protecting the environment for the well-being of the population and economic development throughout the world. It is important to highlight in this regard the care of agricultural soils, since they are the basis for food production.

It is necessary to maintain fertile soils with adequate nutrient content so that plants can develop and we can have sufficient agricultural production to feed the population.

In this sense, the role played by fertilizers is essential, since with their contribution it is possible to maintain soil fertility, restoring the nutrients that are extracted by plants in each harvest. In addition:

• They increase productivity and contribute to food security.

• They allow the cultivated surface to be reduced, while maintaining virgin land such as forests, etc.

• They produce affordable and healthy food.

In a video produced by the International Fertilizer Manufacturers Association (IFA) and the European Association Fertilizers Europe, and translated into Spanish by ANFFE (National Association of Fertilizer Manufacturers), the importance of fertilizers is explained, both for the health of the soil and for the population. Healthy soil produces healthy food, with which we can feed ourselves and maintain good health.

Link to video: